Channeled Energy Healing Session
We use a combination of Reiki, Intuition Medicine, and channelling techniques to heal the whole person: physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual.
We will assess the client’s energetic body, auric field, and chakras to address the spiritual root cause. During a session, we work to clear any energetic blocks, dissolve etheric cords, cleanse energetic fields, and seal any leaks in the aura. We then invite universal Life Force Energy in order to increase more calm and flow.
These sessions can be very profound as we may work on many levels including multidimensional, ancestral, and past-life blockages. The session intuitively guided images with clairvoyantly images and subtle energy feelings. Sometimes messages come through for your spirit team of angels and guides or loved ones on the other side. This is if you’re open and all in support of your healing journey.
Because energy is not bound by time or space, remote sessions offer the same energetic impact of an in-person session. The difference is with in-person session, there is physical touch and ambiance.
*NOTE: Book before Sept 30, 2024 as prices will increase slightly after Oct 1, 2024.
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered through the hands or remotely and is based on the idea that a “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use.
Song has been a Reiki Practitioner since 2001 through the International Center for Reiki Training and has been trained in Karuna Reiki and Reiki TUMMO. She became a Reiki Master in 2003 and a Karuna Reiki Master in 2004 through the International Center for Reiki Training.
If you’d like to learn more about Reiki and find out how you can practice energy healing for yourself and others, check out the Intuitive Reiki I & II course.
Intuition Medicine® is a system of expanded perception of the world through the development of the human sense of intuition. This system includes an integrated study of subtle energy anatomy systems and their connection to the physical anatomical systems.
Song has studied healing and meditation at the Academy of Intuition Medicine.
Channelers are channeling messages from advanced spirits, usually to communicate spiritual wisdom about life and the afterlife. In Channeling, a spirit joins, merges, and meshes with the energy of the channeler, putting the channeler in a trance state.
Song is trained channeling by Angels Emerging. She channels Christ consciousness during healing sessions.
Traced back to early traditions of Vedic, Tibetan, and South American cultures, chakras are various focal points in the energetic body (a.k.a. subtle body). There are thousands of energetic focal points in the body, but the seven (or eight, depending who you ask) main chakras along the spine are what we focus on, including the hands and feet chakras.
The seven main chakras correlate with different areas of our lives. So if a certain chakra is blocked, reducing the energy flow (chi) in a certain part of the body, it can also affect the area of life associated with that chakra. Click here for more information.
Often times, when we experience negative emotions. Instead of releasing them, we store the negative energy in our subtle body (usually, in the aura or chakras). When a chakra becomes blocked, underactive, or overactive, it can throw us off balance physically, emotionally, or spiritually. When we do this over a long period of time, it can manifest into stress, pain, or tension.
In order to restore balance to the chakras, we need to cleanse the chakras. By removing the stored energy and clearing blocks, we open up the flow for more life force energy and restore balance.
If you’d like to learn more about this and find out how you can practice energy healing for yourself and others, check out the Intuitive Reiki I & II course.
An aura is an energy field around the body, known as an electromagnetic field, which radiates at a very low level of electricity. The auric field is expressed in seven layers and each layer correlates to a different element of your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health. The layers can interact with one another to influence a person’s overall health.
Common energy problems in the aura can appear in tears, stagnant energy, and energetic attachments. In a healing session, we seal the aura of any perforations, clear any energy that is not serving you, and restore your energy field with healing life force energy.
If you’d like to learn more about this and find out how you can practice energy healing for yourself and others, check out the Intuitive Reiki I & II course.
Energy cords, known as etheric cords, are structures are like cables that allow us communicate with others energetically. Most energy cords are positive and allow us to form strong bonds and feel empathy. However, some cords can feel toxic or cause a person to feel drained. Usually, this happens when a relationship is no longer beneficial to the person being corded. This is very common in a relationship between an empath and narcissists.
In a healing session, energy cord dissolving can help to release the ties that are causing a person to feel drained. Grounding techniques and limiting interactions with narcissists or people who are “energy vampires” will help prevent further cording.
If you’d like to learn more about this and find out how you can practice energy healing for yourself and others, check out the Intuitive Reiki I & II course.
In-person session: Please arrive a few minutes early to make sure you find the place. It’s best to have on comfortable clothing.
Virtual session: make sure to find a quiet and cozy area. You can have on soft music in the background and light a candle if you wish. Sometimes these sessions can be release intense emotions so having tissues on hand is a good idea. You are welcome to record our sessions.
Email option: then all you need to do is be open and receptive. I will send you summary report within 1-2 days of receiving payment.
Before the session begins, I create a virtual space that acts as a container for the energy healing session. I will contact the client via the form the he/she chooses to conduct the session (phone, video, or email).
At the start of the session, I direct the client to sit or lie comfortably in a meditative state. I ask the client for permission to work on their energetic body. I then say a prayer to invite in our guides and angels to be present and establish protection for the session and invite the recipient’s energetic body into the virtual space. I then invite in Christ consciousness in order to channel the healing energy. I usually ask the client if there is anything they would like me to focus on, emotional, physical, or spiritual. If not, then I will work on whatever calls on my attention.
During the session, I utilize Intuition Medicine to scan the aura, energetic body, and chakras to detect any blockages, energy leaks, or other issues. With Reiki and channeling techniques, I work to clear the blockages and seal the leaks. I then direct divine source energy into the areas that need to be worked on.
Often times, I will receive images and information on where the source of the blockage originated from to bring awareness to the recipient. The information can be from this life time, past life-time(s), or on a multi-dimensional timeline. Together, we work on releasing any negative emotions associated with this blockage or leak in order heal and to transmute the energy into love and light.
Towards the end of the session, I check in with the recipient to see if there is anything else they would like to work on. I then ground the energies and end the session with a prayer of gratitude.
Right after a session, many clients have reported feeling light a weight has been lifted. At the end of a session, I ground the energies. However, some may feel light-headed and need a moment to sit until driving. I recommend to drinking lots of water and make sure to get plenty of rest the following night.
Many clients report feeling calm and relaxed after a session. Because we work on releasing blocked energy, this may cause intense residual emotions to surface in the following days. Let them pass. In rare cases clients have reported to feel sore the next day, especially if we released tense areas. This will subside. Your body may still be releasing energy even after the session has ended. Your energy levels should improve within a day or so.
At the end of the session, I usually recommend meditation or energetic tools you can do for self-healing and self-care after the session. You can choose, as many clients do, to schedule follow up sessions or choose from any other services I provide to help you on your journey toward wellness.
Most of the time a person will feel relaxed and uplifted by a Reiki treatment. However, sometimes a person will have what is called a healing crisis. As a person’s vibration goes up, toxins that have been stored in the body will be released into the blood stream to be filtered by the liver and kidneys and removed from the system. When this happens, sometimes a person can get a headache or stomach ache, feel weak, or feel heightened emotions. If this happens, it is a good idea to drink more water, eat lighter meals and get more rest. The body is cleansing as part of the healing process so this is a good sign. Energy levels should improve within a day or so. In rare cases, a healing crisis can take several days or up to a week.
If it has been more than 3 days, please email Song.
Yes, you are welcome to book the appointment and add in the notes, “I would like to be put on the waitlist.” Please include preferred times.
You can also select the service and add yourself to the waitlist through the Square appointment app above. Priority will be given to those who already booked an appointment.
Reiki and energy healing can be sent remotely. That means you can receive Reiki in your sleep. With the email option, I will conduct a healing session after receiving payment and email you a summary report of your energy.
Yes, we take Venmo, Paypal, CashApp, ApplePay, and Zelle.
To schedule an appointment with another payment option, pick a time based on my schedule in the links above and text your full name, email address, and service you’d like to book to (916) 741-0749 or email Song.

Home or Business Healing & Blessing
Physical spaces can hold energy, affecting our day to day operations. If there is negative energy in the home, it’s important to address the root cause of negative energy. Stress, clutter, negative relationships, blame, or criticism in the home can be the source of the bad energy. Energetic attachments or lingering spirits who have not crossed over can also affect the energy of a home or business. Smudging, using salt, crystals, and having house plants and/or pets can cleanse and balance the energy in the home. However, if you have tried these methods and the space is still feeling “off,” an energy healing on your home or business can help clear the energy and bring in more balance and flow.
During a virtual session, we scan the physical space and will provide an energy reading on the different rooms. We’ll pinpoint any areas of concern to clear stagnant or negative energy that may have accumulated in the space over time. We’ll also search for negative attachments or lost spirits that may be inhabiting the space. After clearing the space, we’ll invite in healing light and connect to the guardian spirit of the property in order to usher in more positive energy. By connecting to the guardian spirit of the property we can see if a new guardian is needed or provide any messages the guardian spirit has in order for you and your family or business to co-exist harmoniously in the space. We will then bless the space to maintain good energy and peace.
Clients say that they are able to feel a big difference in the energy of the space after a session, especially after implementing changes that are recommended.
Please visit Workplace Wellness to learn more about on-site office energy healings and how to incorporate wellness into work.
Home or Business Healing & Blessing
60 minutes – $199

Energetic Entity Removal & Protection
A spiritual entity may be affecting your energy field or energetic body to affect you mentally, emotionally, physically, and/or spiritually. Entities can attach themselves if you have been in a space that you feel may have been haunted, if you suffered abuse or trauma, or are struggling with addition or a chronic illness. These major life events can cause tears in our aura, creating a portal for lower vibrational entities to attach themselves, depleting you of your life force energy.
Signs of an energetic entity may include fatigue, brain fog, sudden changes in mood, behavior, and/or sleep, intense emotional waves, intrusive and negative thoughts, self-sabotaging behavior, and or psychic attacks (i.e. sleep paralysis or dark energies in your home). If you have tried “everything” to shake off these signs, and they still persist, you may have an entity attachment.
During an energetic entity removal, we will connect to your energy and scan your auric and energetic field to assess the entity, energetic imbalances, and negative energetic blocks. Using Reiki and channeled healing techniques, we will then work with our guides and angels to remove this energy and transmute any negative energies into light. We then work on clearing stuck or stagnant energy and bring in more of your life force energy, which is similar to an energy healing session. By doing this, we are raising your vibration and re-invigorating areas that need more flow and balance. At the end, we bring in white light and blessings of protection.
You will also be provided tips on how to raise your vibration and protect your own energy moving forward.
*NOTE: Book before Sept 30, 2024 as prices will increase slightly after Oct 1, 2024.

Chakra Clearing & Balancing
During a Chakra Cleansing and Balancing session, I first scan the seven main chakras for any blockages. Then, using Reiki and Intuition Medicine techniques, I clear the blocks and cleanse the chakras one-by-one. This restores balance to the chakras in order for them to flow smoothly and positively affect the different areas of your life.
Chakra Cleansing & Balancing
30 minutes – $77
Virtual appointments are online via Zoom, FaceTime, or phone.
Tuesdays & Thursdays in Rocklin at Msuites Spa.
Traced back to early traditions of Hinduism and South American cultures, chakras are various focal points in the energetic body (a.k.a. subtle body). There are thousands of energetic focal points in the body, but the seven (or eight, depending who you ask) main chakras along the spine are what we focus on. In this Chakra Clearing & Balancing session, I also incorporate the hands and feet chakras.
The seven main chakras correlate with different areas of our lives. So if a certain chakra is blocked, reducing the energy flow (chi) in a certain part of the body, it can also affect the area of life associated with that chakra.
Often times, when we experience negative emotions. Instead of releasing them, we store the negative energy in our subtle body (usually, in one of our chakras). When a chakra becomes blocked, underactive, or overactive, it can throw us off balance physically, emotionally, or spiritually. When we do this over a long period of time, it can manifest into stress, pain, or tension.
In order to restore balance to the chakras, we need to cleanse the chakras. By removing the stored energy and clearing blocks, we restore balance to the main chakras with your own life force energy.
In-person session: Please arrive a few minutes early to make sure you find the place and wear a mask. It’s best to have on comfortable clothing.
Virtual session: make sure to find a quiet and cozy area. You can have on soft music in the background and light a candle if you wish. Sometimes these sessions can be release intense emotions so having tissues on hand is a good idea. You are welcome to record our sessions.
Email option: then all you need to do is be open and receptive. I will send you summary report within 1-2 days of receiving payment.
Before the session begins, I create a virtual space that acts as a container for the chakra cleansing & balancing session. I will contact you in the form you choose or conduct the session while you sleep and send you a summary of what I saw during the session.
At the start of the session, I direct the client to sit with his/her feet on the ground. I ask the recipient for permission to work on his/her energetic body. I then say a prayer to invite in our guides, angels, and Christ consciousness, to be present and establish protection for the session. I invite the client’s energetic body into the virtual space.
During the session, I utilize Intuition Medicine to scan the chakras to detect any blockages, undearactivity, or overactivity. With Reiki and channeling techniques, I work to clear the blockages and direct divine source energy into each major chakra. I then tune the chakra to the appropriate activity level for the client.
Often times, I will receive images and information on where the source of the blockage originated from to bring awareness to the recipient. The information can from this life-time, past life-time(s), or on a multi-dimensional timeline. Together, we work on releasing any negative emotion associated with this blockage or leak in order to transmute the energy into love and light.
Towards the end of the session, I check in with the recipient to see if there is anything else they would like to work on. I do a quick aura cleanse and grounding and then I end the session with a prayer of gratitude.
Reiki and energy healing can be sent remotely. That means you can receive Reiki in your sleep. With the email option, I will conduct a healing session after receiving payment and email you a summary report.
Yes, I take Venmo as well as Paypal and Zelle.
Pick a time that you would like to schedule for this service and text your full name and email address to to (916) 741-0749 to schedule an appointment.

Aura Cleansing & Energy Cord Dissolving
During an Aura Cleansing & Energy Cord Dissolving, I first scan the aura for any leaks or blockages. Then, using Reiki and Intuition Medicine techniques, I then mend the leaks and clear the blocks one-by-one. This restores balance to the aura and chakras in order for them to flow smoothly and positively affect the different areas of your life. I will also look for energy drains (energy cords) that may be depleting your energy. I then work to dissolve the cord(s) and bring your energetic field back to a healthy, vibrant aura full of life force energy.
Aura Cleansing & Energy Cord Dissolving
45 minutes – $77
Virtual appointments are online via Zoom, FaceTime, or phone.
Tuesdays & Thursdays in Rocklin at Msuites Spa.
An aura is an energy field around the body, known as an electromagnetic field, which radiates at a very low level of electricity. The auric field is expressed in seven layers and each layer correlates to a different element of your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health. The layers can interact with one another to influence a person’s overall health.
Energy cords, known as etheric cords, are structures are like cables that allow us communicate with others energetically. Most energy cords are positive and allow us to form strong bonds and feel empathy. However, some cords can feel toxic or cause a person to feel drained. Usually, this happens when a relationship is no longer beneficial to the person being corded. This is very common in a relationship between an empath and narcissists.
Grounding meditation and protection and limiting interactions with narcissists or people who are “energy vampires” where possible.
In-person session: Please arrive a few minutes early to make sure you find the place and wear a mask. It’s best to have on comfortable clothing.
Virtual session: make sure to find a quiet and cozy area. You can have on soft music in the background and light a candle if you wish. Sometimes these sessions can be release intense emotions so having tissues on hand is a good idea. You are welcome to record our sessions.
Email option: then all you need to do is be open and receptive. I will send you summary report within 1-2 days of receiving payment.
Before the session begins, I create a virtual space that acts as a container for the Aura Cleansing & Energy Cord Dissolving session. I will contact you in the form you choose or conduct the session while you sleep and send you a summary of what I saw during the session.
At the start of the session, I direct the client to sit or lie comfortably. I ask the client for permission to work on his/her energetic body. I then say a prayer to invite in our guides, angels, and Christ consciousness, to be present and establish protection for the session. I invite the client’s energetic body into the virtual space.
During the session, I utilize Intuition Medicine to scan the aura to detect any leaks or blockages. With Reiki and channeling techniques, I work to mend leaks and clear the blockages. Then, I direct divine source energy into each affected area.
Often times, I will receive images and information on where the source of the leak or blockage originated from to bring awareness to the recipient. The information can from this life-time, past life-time(s), or on a multi-dimensional timeline. Together, we work on releasing any negative emotions associated with this blockage or leak in order to transmute the energy into love and light.
Towards the end of the session, I check in with the client to see if there is anything else he/she would like to work on. If not, then I do a quick aura cleanse and grounding. I end the session with a prayer of gratitude.
Reiki and energy healing can be sent remotely. That means you can receive Reiki in your sleep. With the email option, I will conduct a healing session after receiving payment and email you a summary report.
Yes, I take Venmo as well as Paypal and Zelle.
Pick a time that you would like to schedule for this service and text your full name and email address to to (916) 741-0749 to schedule an appointment.
An aura is an energy field around the body, known as an electromagnetic field, which radiates at a very low level of electricity. The auric field is expressed in seven layers and each layer correlates to a different element of your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health. The layers can interact with one another to influence a person’s overall health.

Bundle Care Package
Bundle it up – energy healing, any type of readings, intuitive life coaching, whatever you want to use it on. Sessions can be applied to friends and family and can be mixed between online virtual appointments and in-person sessions.
Bundle Care Package – Save 20%
6 hours – $999
(each session comes to $166.5)
*NOTE: Book before Sept 30, 2024 as prices will increase slightly after Oct 1, 2024.
In-person session: Please arrive a few minutes early to make sure you find the place. It’s best to have on comfortable clothing for energy healing.
Virtual session: make sure to find a quiet and cozy area. You can have on soft music in the background and light a candle if you wish. You are welcome to record our sessions or have pen and paper ready to take notes.
Yes, you are welcome to book the appointment and add in the notes, “I would like to be put on the waitlist.” Please include preferred times.
You can also select the service and add yourself to the waitlist through the Square appointment app above. Priority will be given to those who already booked an appointment.
Yes, we take Venmo, Paypal, CashApp, ApplePay, and Zelle.
To schedule an appointment with another payment option, pick a time based on my schedule in the links above and text your full name, email address, and service you’d like to book to (916) 741-0749 or email Song.