What would it feel like to step into alignment with your true authentic self, be guided by your intuition, and live a fulfilling life inspired by your dreams?

You are a co-creator of this thing we called life. But are you consciously aware of this?

What if I told you that before you incarnated into this life time, you were given a blueprint of what lessons you were here to learn and what dreams you were here to accomplish? And during this life time, you have come to learn some of those lessons and in the process, have been able to uncover what some of your dreams are? In other words, your dreams were masterfully designed and ordained by God/the Universe and you. Walt Disney said, “If you can dream it, you can do it.” My job is to help you see to living those dreams.

Do you have a goal that you haven’t told anyone about, but secretly dream about?

Do you have a desire that you’ve always wanted to attain, but just haven’t gotten the courage to do something about it?

Do you feel like you’re trying to solve a problem, but just can’t figure out the solution?

Perhaps you just need a boost of confidence to help you take the next step forward. 

Through energy healing, intuition, goal setting, Law of Attraction, meditation, and other spiritual tools, I have been able to create a beautiful life and a thriving business. With these tools, I want to help you change your life and live your dreams. Our focus together will be cultivating mindful awareness, developing your intuition, heal old wounds and root out limiting beliefs, and align your mindset to abundance so that you can better attain your practical goals. 



Examples of Spiritual Goals

  • Discovering your intuitive abilities
  • Cultivating Mindfulness
  • Aligning with your higher-self or Holy Spirit
  • Connecting with guides and angels
  • Releasing limiting beliefs
  • Shifting towards growth mindset
  • Inner-transformation 
  • Heightening your awareness
  • Expanding your consciousness
  • Raising your vibration 
  • Learning manifestation tools
  • Energy principles like grounding and protection 
  • How to balance chakras 
  • And so much more 

Examples of Practical Goals

  • Becoming a happier person
  • Finding peace and balance in life 
  • Having the courage to chase lifelong dreams
  • Developing a new passion
  • Starting a new job, career, or business
  • Knowing when it’s time to leave an old career or business
  • Achieving financial abundance
  • Making conscious health choices
  • Moving forward from a break-up
  • Forming new connections for partnership
  • Rekindling your compassion for others
  • Sparking creativity and fun
  • Taking up new hobbies
  • Improving your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing
  • Making new friends and improving social life
Portrait of a beautiful Afro girl enjoying by the sea with arms outstretched.

What can I expect from working with an intuitive life coach?

“While working with an intuitive life coach, you can expect to confront issues that have been holding you back and preventing you from creating a reality you love to be in. As uncomfortable as confrontation can be, it’s often necessary for healing. Recognizing your issues, strengths, and weaknesses is a first step to wholeness and can provide invaluable guidance while on the path to living the life of your dreams.

Intuitive coaches typically work with the energy you project to resolve your deepest issues. They use intuition to sense your blockages and help you root out the source of your pain. They can then assist you by guiding you through the process of introducing new habits, thoughts, and beliefs that support the life you want to live. By healing these issues and altering your consciousness, you can open yourself up to love and the abundance of opportunities that life has to offer.

You can also expect dramatic life changes while working with an intuitive life coach because they focus on clients on a much deeper level than traditional life coaches do. Providing healing and an understanding of how the universe works opens many doors. One might even say that it opens infinite doors! The only thing keeping you stuck in a rut is your own frame of mind and intuitive coaches are experts at showing you the thoughts and emotions that perpetually keep you in a rut. You can also expect to receive an education on your vibration and how your thought patterns affect the signal that you put out.” – lifecoachspotter.com


Intuitive Life Coaching


3 Sessions
60 min each


  • This is great for those looking to dip their feet in the spiritual pool
  • We focus on one main goal
  • Clear energetic blocks and receive healing
  • Learn how to protect your energy with self-care tools
  • Discover your heart’s desires and goals
  • Transform limiting beliefs into positive affirmations 
  • Uncover your inner drive
  • Learn manifestation tools
  • Get email support

6 Sessions
60 min each


Everything in RISE Plus:

  • Focus on two or three goals
  • Intuition activation and development
  • Receive guidance through your awakening process
  • Learn to trust/be led by intuition
  • Develop a system to maintain your energy levels
  • Work with your guides and angels
  • Receive energy healing on wounded core beliefs or inner child

Option: Choose an intuitive reading or meet your guides and angels in one of your sessions

Payment plans available for Online and
In-Person sessions


12 Sessions 

60 min each


Everything in EXPANSION Plus:

  • Focus on three or more goals
  • Develop your intuitive abilities
  • Learn to do a body scan
  • Maintain aura and chakra health
  • Introduction to energy healing
  • More manifesting tools to achieve your goals
  • Receive support in manifesting a new job, career, or more abundance

Option: Explore shadow work 

Payment plans available for Online
and In-Person Sessions


*NOTE: Book before Sept 30, 2024 as prices will increase slightly after Oct 1, 2024.